I have been writing and publishing since 9.
Why I got involved - I aim to help broaden the vision of college students, infuse them with values I deem meaningful of a lifetime scope, such as independent thinking, courage and dedication to explore truth, as well as inspire them to bravely, analytically and systematically to chase their dreams.
A Chat with David Baltimore
David Baltimore is 1975 Nobel Prize laureate in Physiology or Medicine, a Professor of Biology and 6th President of Caltech. I met him during an entrepreneurial course where he was invited to share his research and insights on other cutting-edge technologies. I inquired him whether I can interview him to inspire the younger generation, and he said yes. On a sunny afternoon, I was invited to his office and have a conversation with him.
A Chat with Robert Grubbs
Robert Howard Grubbs is a co-recipient of the 2005 Nobel Prize in Chemistry for his work on olefin metathesis. He is a co-founder of Materia, a University spin-off startup to produce catalysts. After he agreed to accept my interview invitation, I learned that he started a variety of chemical and pharmaceutical companies, and he has many insightful thoughts about technology incubcation from academia.
A Chat with Rudolph Marcus
Rudolph Arthur Marcus received the 1992 Nobel Prize in Chemistry "for his contributions to the theory of electron transfer reactions in chemical systems". He shared with me his love for maths and chemistry, and how he worked hard towards his research dream since a child. Five years after my interview with him, I visited him again. He is nearly 100 years old now, and he is still working hard in his office.
Stanford China Guiding Cases Project - An 8-year Journey
During my conversation with Dr. Mei Gechlik, founder and director of Stanford CGCP, she led me through the course of the CGCP’s establishment and growth, as well as the CGCP’s positive impact on promoting the progress of China’s judicial reform. Tthe CGCP values, which emphasize connecting interested parties and sharing insights, are helping to actively build a channel for the U.S. judicial and academic communities to understand China’s judicial reform.